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Friday, 24 February 2012

The stare in the rain.......

I can feel the warmth of your stare,
those anxious eyes watching me, questioning me....
asking me, whether I have what it takes to dream ?
will I save her soul from the depths of society ?

Time seemed to have stopped,
and those seconds passed like hours,
My mind was starting to play tricks on me
Is she really the one ???
Is she really the one for whom I have been waiting so long ???
My entire life I have waited.
Is the wait over ???

That stare, that stare made the hair on my hands stand.
It was as if those small strands of hair were stung,
and now they wanted to burst out of my hands.
The rain was now starting to fall
but it made no difference, as I didn't notice it
till the raindrops started to roll over my eye, slowly.

The wind was staring to pick up speed,
and her hair was now starting to slowly float.
Floating as if an invisible hand was caressing it....
It looked like it wanted to fly away to the end of the horizon,
but was being held back by the reality of life.

The people were all starting to run away,
run away to the shelters of the nearby shop
hoping to escape from the increasing rain,
and from the wind which was now blowing like a wild fire.
But she wasn't moving and nor did I,
the feelings and emotions were at an all time high.
Nature seemed like an ally,
helping to bring us close by slowly removing the obstacles of life.


  1. ahhh a poetry about "love" :-) very romantic

  2. he he......thank you....just doing something different...
