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Friday, 6 January 2012

Human Mind

Well, i thought its time that i write something out of my comfort zone. And i think the best place to start is the "Human Mind".....Its not a scientific explanation or something.....its more in the philosophical here it is.........

There are days when we want the world to come to an end . And then there are days when we just cant get enough of it. Why is that ??? The most simple and logical answer would be that us (humans) are made that way and that we can do nothing about it. But its not that simple. The reason why we humans are the dominant species on Earth is because we have the power of "THOUGHT". And its this reasoning which has made us the "TOP DOG" of this earth. Now, this "reasoning" power that we have is a dangerous one. No amount of nuclear bombs can surpass this power of the human mind and yet scientists say that the normal human uses only about 12% of his brain's power......Albert Einstein was said to have been able to use around 30% of his brain's capacities. This is a frightening thought. The complexities of the human mind are many. Even after more then 100 years of trying from modern science, we have only managed to scratch the surface. There was this movie titled "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" starring Nicholas Cage (a fine actor). In that movie they showed that the Sorcerers could use their entire capacity of their brain, i.e. 100% and thus are able to control matter...........scary stuff that...

"EMOTIONS".............probably the mastermind behind all our acts. If we had been emotionless, even if we had the power to use 100% of our brain's capacities .......without emotions we would probably not have been where we are today. Emotions control everything that we do. For eg:. It was the feeling of being threatened that led the human mind to invent the Atom Bomb. And its these "emotions" that answer the question that i asked in the first line..........Love, Hate, Jealousy, Elation, Happiness, Sadness...etc......these are all emotions. And its these emotions that dictate our pace of life. And its these "emotions" that are behind the ending of life suicide, murder, homicide etc. Its unimaginable how the world would have panned out if we didn't have the power to "FEEL".

Human mind is capable of unimaginable things. And the catalyst is "PASSION". If one has the passion for it , then one is capable of much more the one thinks he is capable of. Its this passion that has changed the course of the world. Adolf Hitler had passion to rule the world, so did Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte etc.........On the other hand it was the passion of Mahatma Gandhi that got us our independence. And it was the passion of Martin Luther king and Nelson Mandela that has almost eliminated Racism from this planet. Sports persons are probably the best example of passion, adrenaline plays a part too. In sports, its this passion that has led to impossible things happening. The human mind is the center of it all.