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Friday, 11 May 2012

The Journey..

Waking up in the morning , to feel the Sun’s rays.
It doesn’t matter for how long the clouds allow it, or for how long the tide stays.
The sand on the beach has turned from silver to gold,
And the time has come for me to leave, as everyone had foretold.

I will be on my way soon, to the place which is not unknown,
there have been bad days, but there have also been days when I have felt like a King on his throne.
I don’t know what the day might bring, as I venture out to the playground of the one best known,
I hope that I am able to return safe and sound at night, to the place everyone labels as my Home.

But there is no word in life like “Guarantee”, although we have freedom we are never really free.
If I never return, would you miss me? Every single day, you don’t even say goodbye to me.
Life is tough but tougher still is death; I hope you never find out that I had fallen prey to fate.
I will try to come back best as I can, until then I will just keep on walking till I cross hell’s gate….